The Only Way Is Through: Part1

It has been 4 years in my professional career. Till date I have been always finding cool shortcuts to achieve the task or learn some new thing for career growth, etc.

It has served me well, so far at least. But lately it is becoming more evident, that the idealogy to keep finding shortcuts, solved examples is not working out. I am missing the actual point. Instead of learning or doing the task, in right way, I keep spending my time, energy and focus into finding the best solution awailable, easy ways to do, quick starts, ready made solution etc.

By loosing focus on actual task, all I end up learning is just shortcuts, some quick reference, etc. To do the same task again or recollect the concept that I just learnt, I end up searching for quick solution, again!. (May be saving the shortcuts for further reference can help. But that is not the point). This vicious cycle has to end. Or else I will just be stuck in the same place, without actually gaining any knowledge, experience and self confidence.

Through this post, I want to remind my self that “The Only Way is Through!". From experience we do gain the ability to judge the quality of the content/reference. But procastinating to refer them in search of answers to specific issues/tasks is not gonna help in long run.

There are really amazing people, resources, actual documentation, tutorials, etc to learn from. You can log your learnings, share it, etc for future reference. But be sure to learn the right way and again the only way is through.

Pros of refering actual resource: